今天宠物迷的小编给各位宠物饲养爱好者分享梳理宠物毛发 英文的宠物知识,其中也会对用英语翻译下列中文(将下列英文翻译成中文)进行专业的解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的宠物相关问题,别忘了关注本站哦,现在我们开始吧!
当他听到这个令人害怕的消息他把嘴张得大大的。 when he heard the terrifying news,he opened his mouth widely. 你应该更礼貌一点当你向朋友求助的时候 when you ask your friends for help, you should be more polite. 我的猫喜欢睡在床边 My cat likes to sleep beside the bed. 为了让你的宠物保持干净,你必须每天为他刷毛 To keep your pets clean,you must brush it daily. 这个英雄曾经为了人们的安全受伤。 The hero once got injured for the people's safety. 这个病人需要特殊的照顾 The patient requires special attendance. 他们去年离开了中国去了加拿大 They left china for Canada (Australia) last year. 他昨天给我们带来了一些有用的信息 He brought us some useful information yesterday.
We have a pet at home.我家有一只宠物
Because of the particularity of the electric power enterprises
in the courses of manufacture,transmission and operation which are different from general merchandise.Plus the long-term influnce of the factors such as planed economy,shortage of power etc.the Electric enterprises are in a position of monopolization for quite a long time.Althougt some transformations such as "The Departure between the Factories and the Gird'',it assumes a special position and role in the market.Accordingly,there is still a lack of market idea and conciousness at the the internal structure,management mechnisem and so on within these enterprises.The work mode,service style could not meet the demand of the market and the need of the consumers,It has become more and more important to renew the operating idea of the power enterprises,to improve the standard of marketing and service.under the analysis on the marketing environment,statigies of the power enterprises,and the discussion on the application of the marketing theories on the power suppling enterprises,and the consideration on the current appling situation of internet,an anylasis is given to the theoretical basis and the practical application,a research on the feasibility,necessity of carrying on net-distribution is also being gone on,an outlook of the prosperity about Net-Ditribution is presented as well.
smooth hair
The small dog's fur is black.
金毛犬(详情介绍) 提到狗狗毛发的打理,很多人也许会说我经常帮助我家狗狗梳毛的啊!但是所谓的梳毛真的就是正确的吗?如果你不能肯定还是来和小编一起学习下如何正确科学的为狗狗梳毛吧! 一、首先我们来看看打理毛发有哪些好处 狗狗在春秋两季要换毛,此时会有大量的被毛脱落。大量的脱会附着在室内各种物体、人身上影响室内卫生,如果被犬误食还会影响犬的消化。因此,要经常给狗狗梳理被毛,给狗狗梳毛,不要想起来才梳一次,而是要养成习惯,这样不仅可除去脱落的被毛污垢和灰尘,防止被毛缠结,而且还可促进血液循环,增强皮肤抵抗力,解除疲劳。 二、然后就是如何正确的打理毛发 给狗狗梳理被毛的顺序应由颈部开始,自前向后,由上而下顺序进行,先从颈部到肩部,然后依次到背、胸、腰、腹、后躯,再梳头部,最后是四肢和尾部,梳完一侧再梳另一侧。 1.梳毛时应使用专门的梳理用品,不要用人用的梳子。梳子的使用方法是:手握住梳背,手腕摆动,横向梳理,粗齿、中齿、细齿的梳子交替使用。粗齿的梳子先将毛发方向理顺,中齿的梳子将毛发梳开,细齿的梳子清理死毛。 2.顺着毛发生长的顺序梳理,按照从前往后、从上到下的顺序进行。梳毛的时候动作要轻柔,遇到毛结耐心细致的梳理,不要硬扯,引起狗狗疼痛从而讨厌梳毛。在梳理到狗狗敏感部位(如外***)附近的时候,动作更要小心,同时安抚宠物。 3.在梳毛的时候要注意观察狗狗的皮肤。发现有结痂、斑秃、疙瘩、化脓等症状要避开梳理,同时要及时治疗。 4.遇到毛发打结现象,要从毛发尖端开始梳理,慢慢梳到根部,将结梳开;如果是死结、疙瘩、硬毡,则需要小心剪掉毛结,再进行梳理。 5.如果狗狗毛发较厚,梳子难以梳透,可以一层一层分开梳理,先梳理被毛,梳顺之后掀开再梳理底绒,最后再统一梳理。 6.对细茸毛(底毛)缠结较严重的犬,大嘴狗宠物店医院提醒应以梳子或钢丝刷子顺着毛的生长方向,从毛尖开始梳理,再梳到毛根部,一点一点进行,不能用力梳拉,以免引起疼痛和将毛拔掉。如果擀毡严重,可用剪刀顺毛干的方向将毡片剪开,然后再梳理,如果仍梳不开时,可将带毡部分剪掉,待新毛逐渐长出后再梳理养成经常为狗狗梳毛的习惯,不仅仅是摆脱狗狗掉毛带来的烦恼,经常为爱宠梳毛,对爱宠本身有着更多的好处。